Update 4: Starting

It all starts with an idea, pen and paper.

Today we visited the MakerHangout at Kathleen Syme Library and had an induction with Georgie on 3D printing. It's quite an amazing service these City Libraries have, I can almost see what needs to be done. I just need to do it.

After the 2 hour session we picked up a Pottery Tool Kit at Eckersleys, got home and made some adjustments to the packaging so it's easier to access and carry tools :)
Cut each holder to fit tools properly and taped up edges.
Easily wrapped up.

Ready to go.

Letter sketch of a lowercase e.

e for excited. Let's make this out of soap. Keep posted!

Further notes:
• Need to sketch more, bit rusty.
• Should probably do a whole alphabet.
• Idea: one liner.
• Get: sketchbook, pencils and shaders.

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