Update 1: hello world

Testing, testing. Is this thing on?

Below is the first 3D type I've ever done. Woo!

And although it's by no means impressive by nature, it marks a big step towards this idea I've had for a long, long time and was scared to even make a small step towards it. Hopefully this idea is a lot more impressive than it's initial steps.

This day I wanted to see what it's like to go through this Phase 1 process: product design and test the workflow.

Product design workflow:

  • created in C4D — existing text extruded, basic color material, no animation
  • exported as a .glb file from Blender (file also facebook friendly)
  • hosted on sketchfab, embedded code below
  • tested on mobile: Pixel 2 XL / Chrome

Typeface: Belinda

For lief.


Further notes:
• Some weird happenings in the render where the letters intersect.

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