Project Crop.

What is all this?
Project Crop is a test page for type experiments – from 3D to svg animations. A bit raw and bit of fun. There is a main idea that I'll detail out throughout the way. It's all part of this project and all in good fun.

Progress > Perfection

As I'm writing this, I've started this project in March 2018. We'll see how long I can keep doing this for. And will hopefully keep me honest and on track.

But who are you, really?
I'm Teresa. And just know I love design, type, form and creating experiences – I'm putting them all together into a love job, truly.

Thanks for visiting this site. Please do let me know how you found it, I'm curious to know.


Questions? Or want to just chat? Talk to me on Twitter or Linkedin or even better – a face to face! 😊Can always have a bit of ☕️and 🍰 (if you happen to be in Melbourne, Aus).

This site is put together using Ghost and hosted with Digital Ocean.